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. category: Group .
#Java #OpenVidu #Android #Video Chat #firebase

As a part of Mobile Computing course, I managed a group of 10 people and together we developed an android application to connect mentors and mentees to facilitate online learning. This app is called “Sahayak” (सहायक) and uses OpenVidu as the service for online video calling.

In order to get the application running for your usage, you’ll need to host an open vidu server and a firebase database. Code availaible here, it features automated cloud builds on master pushes.

Find the latest Release at: https://github.com/virresh/Sahayak/releases/latest

A huge shoutout to my teammates for this project!
Catch them at:


I am an Undergrad at IIIT-Delhi pursuing B.Tech in CSE. I am an enthusiastic programmer and love to participate in Hackathons / CTF's / Programming contests etc. I prefer building things that solve some problem. I also am a nature lover and love star gazing.