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Alexa Skills

. category: Individual .
#Amazon #DynamoDB #scrapy #Alexa #Skill #Game-Development #voice #ssml #python #aws lambda

I’ve published two Alexa Skills so far.

  • Alexa skill for the word game `ghost`.
    The objective is to produce a letter such that you don't make a valid word but, but making a valid word is still posssible. It's powered with SSML tags and a trie based efficient backend search.
    Get the Game on Amazon store
    Also you can access the source code here.
    Promo Video
    Sample Skill Session
  • Alexa skill for interview preparation.
    This skill Asks you curated questions from GeeksForGeeks to help you prepare for interviews. It is powered by dynamo db to maintain state for a user and uses scrapy to crawl and curate a dataset of questions from geeks for geeks.
    Get the App on Amazon store
    Also the source code is available on publicly .


I am an Undergrad at IIIT-Delhi pursuing B.Tech in CSE. I am an enthusiastic programmer and love to participate in Hackathons / CTF's / Programming contests etc. I prefer building things that solve some problem. I also am a nature lover and love star gazing.