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AI Algorithms

. category: Individual .
#A-Star #genetic-algorithm #memetic-algorithm #tsp #mini-max #tic-tac-toe #csp #course-scheduling #8-puzzle #ida-star #AI

These are my implementation of some classic AI search algorithms tied to a particular task, with some conclusive experiments. All code is available on github.

Featured tasks:

  • Ant Colony Optimisation
  • Genetic and Memetic Algorithms for course scheduling
  • Mini-Max algorithm for TicTacToe
  • Course scheduling via Constraint satisfaction
  • Q-learning and SARSA for maze solver RL Agent
  • BFS, DFS, A* and IDA* algorithm for solving puzzle-n game

Code availaible here.


I am an Undergrad at IIIT-Delhi pursuing B.Tech in CSE. I am an enthusiastic programmer and love to participate in Hackathons / CTF's / Programming contests etc. I prefer building things that solve some problem. I also am a nature lover and love star gazing.