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Android Workshop Apps

. category: Individual .
#Java #Google #Android #Apps #A-Star

These are a collection of my android apps made during the applied CS with Android Workshop.
The following apps are open as of now :

  • Ghost : It is an implementation of the popular word game Ghost. Uses various data structure concepts like BST and Tries etc.
  • Anagram App : This app's goal is a game that requires users to generate all the anagrams they can by adding a letter to the given word. Uses sets, hashmaps etc.
  • Scarne's Dice: This app is a GUI making app for die rolling. Teaches asynchronous programming.
  • Puzzle 8: This is the classic game of Puzzle 8, implemented in Android with a custom image from camera. Uses A* algorithm for the AI part.

The independant Android Application made completely by self for the Code sprint during the workshop is an implementation of the Classic puzzle of Tower of Hanoi. [Source Code]

Also you can access the source code of apps made during the course here.


I am an Undergrad at IIIT-Delhi pursuing B.Tech in CSE. I am an enthusiastic programmer and love to participate in Hackathons / CTF's / Programming contests etc. I prefer building things that solve some problem. I also am a nature lover and love star gazing.