About Me

Hi there !
I am Viresh Gupta, a software programming enthusiast. I love to develop things and experiment various methodologies.
I believe in conventions and best practices and enjoy working on problems that help shape reality. I am a workaholic and have love to work on any technology that I can lay my hands on.
I also like to write about whatever I build. Find these geek articles here
I am always open to suggestions and actively looking out for opportunities. Feel free to reach out to me via any of the mediums on the right.

Awards and Achievements

Undergraduate Thesis with LCS2 Lab

Full paper at PAKDD

Workshop paper at CVPR


Short paper at BigMM


Publication at SemEval


Google Summer of Code 2018 student


Open Source work for coala under GSoC 2018

Dean’s list award for Innovation in Research and Development

2017, 2019

Dean's List award for academic excellence

2017, 2018, 2019

Honourable mention in Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI), gateway to IOI.


AIR 1 amongst ~15000 students in Indian Maritime University Examination


Finalist (top 20 from all over india) in Indian National Earth Science Olympiad, gateway to IESO.



coantlib - Library that provides linting api using ANTLR's parse trees.
iDabba : Smart IoT container - Developed a smart box that can relay information about any object kept inside it: the weight and surrounding conditions like temperature and humidity content. It also identifies what the object is using image detection techniques like HAAR classification.
Amongst the best projects of our batch and also featured on our director's blog
VR Game : Shooting Game - A Virtual reality game made on Unity, complete with humanoid animations and realistic graphics and a playable character. Uses Google Cardboard API
Schedulr - A room booking system complete with server and client. Uses multithreading in JAVA and JavaFX for GUI development.
ClubMan - A comprehensive Club Management system complete with a database design and management. Built using Java Servlets (JSP) and MySQL.
LogicX - Prize winning project at TopCoder's HumbleFool hackathon. An online judge to enable students to try out programming skills for conventional programming taught at schools.